More Math! Resources
For those of you who can't wait until the next National Math Festival, we invite you to explore the wonder and beauty of math with these puzzles, games, books, videos, and other mathy treats. Resources are categorized by age level and updated monthly!
Have a suggestion for us? Share with @natmathfestival (opens new window) on Twitter, or email [email protected].
In Our Time Podcast: Emmy Noether
Industrial Careers in Mathematical Sciences (PIC Math)
International Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) Competition
iOrnament: Symmetry Art App
Joan Taylor’s Mathematical Tiling
John Edmark’s Mathematical Sculptures
Large Birds, Hungry Tigers, and Other Logic Puzzles
Lathisms (Latin@s and Hispanics in Mathematical Sciences)
Make Your Own Snowflakes
Making Math Visible: Hands-On Workshop Resources
Manual of Mathematical Magic
Math and the Movies
Math Book Magic
Math for Love Games
MathDice Daily Challenge
Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Resources
Mathematical Balloon Twisting
Mathematical Imagery
Mathematically Gifted and Black
Mathematics & Music